

July 20th, 2015 | 0 Comments

Well, this is exciting. I got my own webpage, where I can post things and blog about whats on my mind. I also plan on providing tip and advice about playing at the highest levels of softball.

Those that know me, know that I did not play for a TOP, well know travel softball team while growing up, which in itself is a very difficult thing to overcome, when trying to get recognized by a school like Arizona.  But I am living proof, that with a LOT of hard work, it can be done.

Not only did I make it on one of the country’s best softball programs, I also had a wonderful experience, playing on the USA Junior National Team, and competing in countries like, Cape Town, South Africa and Bogota, Columbia.

As if all that isn’t enough of a dream come true, Soon after graduation, I was selected to play for the USSSA Pride Professional Softball Team, based in Kissimmee, FL – which is owned and managed by one of the most passionate, generous, devoted and driven people I have ever met; Don DeDonatis.